Terms of Use
This site is owned and controlled by Union Street Skateboards. from its offices at 3041 E. 4th Street, Long Beach, CA 90814. The phone number for Union Street Skateboards is 562-434-4707.
Copyright And Trademarks
All images, graphics, audio and video clips, text and other materials provided on this web site are protected by copyrights, trademarks and or patents owned or controlled by Union Street Skateboards, its vendors, suppliers and licensors. None of the material provided on this web site may be reproduced, copied, downloaded, uploaded, displayed, posted, distributed, reproduced or transmitted in any manner without the prior written consent of Union Street Skateboards. Limited permission is granted to copy and print in hard copy the materials on this web site for purely personal, noncommercial purposes including placing an order with Union Street Skateboards. This limited permission is granted and continues only so long as you:
- Do not post, upload, mirror or distribute this material for any purpose on any other web site or server.
- Do not alter the materials copied and retain all legal markings and copyright notices contained in the materials.
All trademarks, service marks, company names and logos used on this web site are the property of Union Street Skateboards, its vendors, suppliers and licensors. Nothing contained herein grants any right to the use of any trademark used on this web site without the written permission of Union Street Skateboards